It's not you, it's me.

Those words were on a button that my Mimi gave to me when I was 10.  I remember feeling offended when I first read it.  I remember how she chuckled when she gave it to me as she re-read the statement printed in blue against a pink background.  As a child I had a reputation within my family as being one who spoke what was on her mind (I was a bit more shy around strangers). I remember my mother telling me that I had a big mouth...she said that wasn't necessarily a bad thing if I learned how to use it in the right way.  Now I'm in my mid-thirties.  I've lived a bit since those days.  Mom was right.

I still have that button.  It's hanging on a bulletin board in my kitchen.

I guess you could say that this is sort of a selfish endeavor.  Perhaps you can relate.  Have you ever had so many things running through your mind that you felt that your brain migh explode?  Okay, then.  You get it.  Words are meant to be spoken but so often they lie away hidden in the dark corners of our hearts and minds, just waiting for an opportunity to escape.  I admit that at times I lack either the guts, the appropriate situation or the right audience to share these rogue musings of mine.  Maybe no one cares about what I have to say.  That's alright.  After all, it's not you, it's me.

It's not ALL about me, though.  I'm highly interested in what others have to say.  If you have a thought, share it. Now, I've got some things to get off my chest.



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