A Few Of My Favs

This post is purely for me.  I feel the need to document some of my fav cell phone pics for some reason.  You know, archive it forever and ever on the innerwebs.  If you're into amateur cell phone photography, enjoy.

 Meet Big Stuff, my 12 year old black pug.  That's his brother and sister in the background.

 This is me.  On a walk with my dog - with a zit on my face.

 Chimay + Hubby + Bonfire = Perfecto

 Country Porch

 Because good fences make good neighbors.

 Puerto Rican crab

 Ponce, Puerto Rico

 Lunar New Year

My crew.  My heart.  My everything.

 Mimi & Poppy waiting to go on Poppy's favorite ride: It's A Small World :)

 Gettin' my hair did by my 10 year old.

 Hagrid's Motorcycle

 Autumn @ Atlanta, GA

Oma & Opa @ Grand Teton

Us and Uncle Mike.  Old Faithful was indeed faithful.



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