Things That Caught My Eye This Week
The photo above was taken on Thursday in my front yard. The ground was covered with frost, an unusual thing for south Texas. It's the closest thing to snow we've got :)
Here's what caught my eye this week:
The Girl Who Gets Gifts From Birds
Seriously, how cool is that. This story completely fascinated me. I'm an avid bird watcher and I can literally spend hours on my porch with my binoculars watching the birds and trying to spot new species. If they left me gifts, my life would be complete.
10 of the Most Psychotic Quotes from Socialist Hero Che Guevara
Someone, anyone, please help me understand why this guy is considered hip. Why do so many celebrities and hipster college kids think this guy is the shit? Am I missing something?
Do You Have Post Traumatic Church Syndrome?
"Sometimes, they appear to walk away from Jesus entirely- which only encourages people to “lovingly” point out all over again that they suck at being a Christian (which, those of us who embrace authenticity, already know). However, usually the case isn’t at all that they’ve walked way from Jesus- it’s simply that they’ve just walked away from the organization associated with the people who have harmed them. People who have walked away because of church trauma will often externally appear resentful or even hostile toward anything that feels too “religious” to them, while internally they still want to follow Jesus and long to connect with God in deeper and more meaningful ways."
7 Cultural Concepts We Don't Have in the US
It's been so cold lately that I'm enjoying creating extra 'hygge' in my life right now :)
How Students Make Progress in Learning
By the way, if you're not following MindShift yet on FB, you should. Their articles are very insightful. Great for teachers, parents or anyone who is interested in the way the human mind learns.
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